L O C A T I O N   JC Air Academy Inc.,

Airport. Stockton Metropolitan Airport


WHY is The Best PLACE for Training Center ?



You can training for 330 days in 365 days

The best California weather you can fly for all seasons



Experience in complex airspace



1) Advanced Airspace through SFO, OAK, FAT, and SJC International (20 flight min to SFO) 

2) Excellent resource for flight training

3) Less ATC delays (We are located out of high volume traffic area)



Many instrument approach airports available



‌Because of the short waiting time to fly,
the take-off and landing time is efficient.

‌You can enjoy the pleasure of seeing the surrounding scenery.

S U R R O U N D I N G   H O T   S P O T  JC Air Academy Inc

Yosemite National Park

Lake Tahoe

Napa Valley Winery

San Francisco
‌Los Angeles
‌L‌as Vegas
Stanford University
‌Six Flags Parks